2 v 2 Overs
Post date: Jun 22, 2010 11:13:13 PM
2 v 2 Overs
Attackers can still beat defenders on a 2 v 2 situation. It simply requires more work and precision in execution. Like the 2 v 2 Unders, both ball carrier and support runner must move before the ball is delivered to CREATE space to attack. In the Overs movement, space is created so that the support runner runs OVER to the outside of his/her defender.
Key Points:
The ball carrier may attack the insider shoulder of his/her defender or threaten the gap between the defenders possibly putting the other defender into two minds.
Support runner can take an inside angle to fix his/her defender, then CUT and accelerate into space outside his/her defender.
Ball carrier delivers crisp sharp pass to support runner breaking to the outside of his/her defender.